It takes many dedicated volunteers to create the beautiful worship that happens at Trinity. How are you called to serve? Please email us ( to learn more about these opportunities. Our parish assistant will get you in touch with the appropriate leader!
The beautiful flowers at our services are lovingly prepared by Trinity parishioners who make up our flower guild. Join them in crafting beautiful arrangements from God’s creation that enhance and add joy to our worship. Do you already know how to arrange flowers or would you like to learn how? The Flower Guild welcomes your help!
Preparing our sanctuary for services is a ministry that sets the stage for the worship to come. The women and men of the altar guild learn the logistical needs of worship, maintenance of sacred vessels and vestments, and what must be in place for our services. The beauty and sanctity of the preparation often touches the souls of those who carry this out.
Lay Readers use their skills and their developing gifts in ministry to the glory of God and for the benefit of the people within their own congregations. Lay Readers assist with reading of the lessons and leading of the prayers of the people during worship services.
Ushers provide a warm welcome to parishioners and guests attending our worship services. They greet people as they arrive, help them find their intended destination, and keep the services running smoothly. They distribute service leaflets, collect gifts at the offertory, direct folks during communion, and offer guidance to anyone needing help finding their way around our campus.
In this ministry, the role of the acolyte is to assist the priest in charge of the worship service and enhance the service to the glory of God. Privileges include lighting and extinguishing altar candles, carrying the cross, flags, and banners, and leading processions. We especially encourage the youth to help with this vital part of our worship.
Eucharistic Visitors minister to members of the congregation unable to attend services due to illness or infirmity by taking the consecrated elements of Holy Eucharist to them following the Sunday Service. This sacramental ministry extends the shared Sunday worship to include homebound members of the parish family. Its primary purpose is worship, but it expands the feeling of pastoral care provided at the altar and by the community.
Vergers have a special calling to assist the clergy in the ordering and conduction of the liturgy and public worship of the church. They ensure that assigned Lectors and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are present and aware of their duties, direct processions, assist with the serving of the Eucharist, and may serve as Lector or fulfill other duties necessary to the smooth and worshipful conduct of the service.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers participate in the service by serving as chalice bearers during communion. Following the priest’s offering of consecrated bread, the Lay Eucharistic Minister offers each communicant a sip of the consecrated wine, and insures that all who wish to participate have been served.
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