Children's Ministry

Nursery (Infants through Age 3)

The Trinity Nursery is staffed with trained sitters every Sunday, and we welcome infants and young children through age 4. Our nursery area is a safe space that has been designed specifically for this age group. (*If your child has celebrated their 4th birthday, look below for age-appropriate opportunities!) The Nursery is open for all three Sunday services, and during Sunday School and Adult Christian Formation. Make sure you sign your child IN when you drop off, and OUT when you pick up. 

Worship Bags

Worship bags for ages 3-12 are located at the bell tower entrance, and at the library vestibule. These colorful bags contain Gospel color sheets, crayons, a “What Are We Doing?” coloring activity and several fidgety things to do. These are great for younger kids who want to stay with the adults in church or have aged out of the Nursery. Please return worship bags to the hangers after services, so we can replenish them for next week!

Children’s Church (ages 4 to 10)

Children’s Church is offered year-round at the 9:30 a.m. service for children who have turned 4, up to the age of 10. *Once your child has turned 4, they can join us in Children's Church! Our Children’s Church area is in the new conference area, behind the Nursery. Children are gathered in the Sanctuary after Announcements and led to Children’s Church by the CC Leaders. The short service mirrors much of the church service in the sanctuary, including setting up the altar, prayers, a Gospel lesson, and songs. Children return at The Peace to worship with their families for the remainder of the service.

Children’s Sunday School (ages 4 to 10)

Sunday School for ages 4-10 is offered upstairs at 10:45am from September to May in the Children’s Sunday School Room. We teach a combination of Godly Play and Simply Loved, and enjoy the diversity of ages, as it creates a family atmosphere in the classroom.

Youth Group: Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) (Grades 6 to 12)

Trinity’s EYC youth group meets in the basement Youth Room on Sunday mornings during the school year from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. The Youth Room is located downstairs in the basement, accessible through the hallway west of the parish hall. During EYC, we play games, have Bible studies, work on service projects, and build community! All teens who are in the 6th-12th grade are welcome to join us, anytime! 

Safety & Security

We are completely committed to keeping everyone safe at Trinity Episcopal Church. All staff and adult volunteers working with children are required to be trained and certified in Safeguarding God’s Children, a nationwide training program by the Episcopal Church. It is a three-hour course, which trains people to identify the warning signs of abuse, in order to prevent it and protect our children. We want the church to be absolutely safe for everyone.

Get involved!

We can always use more people to serve in children's ministry. For information or to sign up as a volunteer, email

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