
The Rev. Dr. Robert Pace

Rector | 817-926-4631, ext. 210

The Rev. Dr. Robert F. Pace is a native Texan, who has been the Rector at Trinity Episcopal Church since December 2019. In many ways, coming to Fort Worth was a “return home,” because Robert earned a Ph.D. in History from Texas Christian University, which sits directly across the street from Trinity. Once he left Fort Worth the first time, Robert first enjoyed a career in academia as a historian, professor, and non-profit officer, working with students at universities in Virginia and Texas. After twenty years in academia, he went to the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin. He then served as Associate Rector and Rector at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Amarillo, Texas, before being called as the Rector of Trinity. Robert loves preaching and teaching, but he particularly enjoys working with groups and individuals in the church to help them discern the different ways God is working in their lives. He is married to the Rev. Dr. Jill Walters, whom he met and married in college. She is also an Episcopal priest—the Senior Chaplain All Saints' Episcopal School in Fort Worth. They have one grown daughter, Catherine. 

The Rev. Eric Bumgardner

Curate | 817-926-4631, ext. 204

Most recently from Austin, The Rev. Eric Bumgardner completed his MDiv at the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest and was ordained a priest in January, 2024. Originally from Arkansas, Eric grew up in Italy, and — upon returning to the States — worked and taught in higher education for more than 20 years before responding to a call to Holy Orders. Eric is married to Keirsten, a teacher, and together they have two grown sons; Jack and Sean.

The Rev. Dr. Annelies Moeser

College Missioner | 817-926-4631

The Rev. Dr. Annelies Moeser encountered Christ in a personal way while a student at the University of Michigan. She was nurtured in her faith at the campus Newman House (“Canterbury for Catholics”). She earned an M.A. in Theology from Catholic Theological Union. In her studies and in campus ministry at St. Louis University, she first experienced a call to the priesthood. Her spiritual journey eventually led her to the Episcopal Church where she was received on May 6, 2007 at the Church of the Ascension in Dallas. In May 2019, Annelies earned her Ph.D. in Biblical Interpretation from Brite Divinity School (Fort Worth). Continued discernment brought her to the Iona School of Ministry to study for bivocational priesthood. She is a campus missioner for TCU and working to launch a new Episcopal outreach to undergraduates. 

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